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Leigh Primary School


School on the Green 

 'Sharing, Caring and Learning Together'

It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. On behalf of all staff we hope you find this a useful resource to discover more about us and that it will encourage you to come and see for yourself what a special place this is. Our school on The Green is the centre of a strong, supportive village community. From within these idyllic country surroundings, we deliver an exciting creative curriculum with a focus on achievement while inspiring a love of learning and nurturing the whole child. 


Leigh Primary School is situated adjacent to Leigh Village Green, 6 miles west of Tonbridge, Kent. We provide an education for around 160 children aged from 4 to 11 years, divided between 6 classes. The early part of the school was built in 1870 as the Boys' National School. Later additions were made and then the school house was converted to provide a further classroom, 2 offices and a staff room. We currently have six classrooms, following the creation of a new classroom in 2012.

A website can only give a brief introduction to school life so please do make an appointment and come and have a look round for yourself; the children, staff and we would be delighted to meet with you.  


Jenna Halfhide                                                            Joanne Shobbrook

Co-Headteacher - Leigh Primary School                       Deputy Headteacher

(Monday - Thursday)                                                    Co - Headteacher (Friday)


We are a member of the Sevenoaks Partnership of Primary Schools. For further information about this group, please click on the link below.